Sunday, January 3, 2010

London: Here I Come!!!

Hey Everyone! I am headed to London, England tomorrow. I will be keeping a blog during my trip. You should all check it out!:

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow is the day that we fly on over to London! I will be there for two weeks, enjoying the culture and scenes of London through the eyes of a theatre-goer. The program that I am a part of is called the "London Theatre Seminar" and we are going to see all kinds of shows and all kinds of sights and museums! I am so excited! I am going to keep an online 'journal' here for you to read, so that you can see what I am experiencing while visiting England! I will post pictures and links and update you on all that goes on during my trip!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I forgot to post it in the last entry, but while I was at Actorfest I was offered the opportunity to open an acting portfolio account online, through a company. I thought I would post the URL and you can check it out if you want! Also, if there is anyone that any of you know that you may want to pass the website onto, feel free! I need all the networking help I can get!


Part Of The Business...

So, part of the "business" of acting is being able to have a thick skin, know how to take rejection and to know that things may not always turn out the way that you want them to. Oh's part of life. This time it's the fact that the movie that I was cast in lost its special effects director so it's been shut down for the time being. Hopefully they will bring it back in the spring...We shall see. But in the business you just have to go with the flow.

In the meantime, yesterday I went to an actor's festival called Actorfest. It was basically like a college fair with many tables set up with representatives from acting companies, agencies, theatres, schools, conservatories, graduate schools, consultants, managers, coaches, headshot photographers...etc. I learned so much! What a great opportunity!! It was right in the heart of the city so I was surrounded by industry professionals and other actors in the same situation as me!

So, even though the movie did not work out for now, at least I was able to have such a great opportunity and learn so much at Actorfest (and get a lot of free things!!)

Thanks for your constant support!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Got My First Part!!!

Guess what?!?! I am going to be in a movie! While it is a small production company and it is low budget, it is still a movie! You have to start somewhere! This movie is about a group of friends who are hiking in the woods and come across a bag of money. They decide to take it, but little do they know they left behind a clue and the people who hid the money find it and go after the hikers....dun dun dun!!!! It seems like it's going to be a fun and exciting (and educational) experience! I met with the producer yesterday and was given a copy of the script. I am really excited because there is a fight scene so there will be a special effects guy there helping to rig us with equipment to make it look like we get shot. I am really excited!!!!

As always, thanks to everyone for your support!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Costume Desgin

So, whoever said that you can only have one career? I love acting! And...I love costume design! I never thought that I could draw. I would always draw stick figures and never had confidence in my fine art skills. I took Costume Design I my Junior year in college and after being taught how to draw I fell in love with the idea of designing the clothing that the characters would be wearing. I used to design clothing for my paper dolls all of the time, when I was younger. I love coming up with my own clothing designs and outfit ideas- so what better way to channel that than costume designing! I have designed costumes for a dance show (13 dancers!!!) where I not only designed them, but also made them. I have designed costumes for "Romeo and Juliet" (that I set in the 1920's) and for "Little Shop of Horrors" and I have designed random dresses and outfits just for fun. I have been practicing my painting and drawing techniques and I have been slowly getting better! I went to the MET a few weeks ago and I was sketching all of the sculptures that I saw! It is such an amazing place! If you have never been, you have to go-seriously!! Amazing.
Anyway, we will see where costume design takes me! What a wonderful combination- acting and costumes!!!
As usual- Love you guys! Thanks for the support!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Real World of Acting

It's crazy to think that in less than a year I will be "released" into the "real" world and will get the chance to try out my acting skills! I cannot believe how quickly school has gone, these past three years. I have learned so much and I look forward to learning more! This semester I am taking Voice 1 Class (where we are working on our vocal ranges and finding songs that fit our voice types) and Improvisation, as far as performance classes go. I am really enjoying my classes and have been using my free time to read new plays, work on my Costume Design portfolio, research audition and research graduate schools. I look forward to all the opportunities that will come my way this year and in the years to come! I am hoping to auditioin for some of the shows on campus, and I hope to propose to direct a play, as well. We will see what happens!
As always, thank you all for your encouragement and support!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

And We're (Almost) Back

I can't believe that I am almost a SENIOR in college!!!! It seems just like yesterday that I was a senior in high school. Now, I will be entering the "real world" and it is kind of daunting! I am excited about it, though! I hope to eventually move out to California and settle there for a while, and try out the "acting world!" I am entering my senior year and there is plenty of stuff to do to get ready. I just got an email from my acting professor telling us that we need to have 4-6 monologues memorized! I am excited and nervous all at the same time!

Thank you for all of your continous support!